Sesame Broccoli,'s Good!

"The dish is a nice and easy change from the norm, and quite different from some of the other broccoli recipes I have seen here. Try it, you might like it as much as we do! Due to a great suggestion from a reviewer, I have added toasting the sesame seeds, a marvelous idea! Also, PLEASE don't substitute the sesame oil as one review did here, you loose the entire flavor of this great dish! This is an adopted recipe and the above comments were made before I inherited it. Now having made this dish, I can concurr: it's a sesame oil that turns your head and gets your taste buds going in this recipe, and toasting the seeds also adds fuller flavour. I'm delighted to have adopted this recipe and will be making it often:) I hope that you will enjoy it too!"
photo by esteban photo by esteban
photo by esteban
photo by esteban photo by esteban
photo by esteban photo by esteban
photo by Debbwl photo by Debbwl
photo by twistedataraxia photo by twistedataraxia
Ready In:


  • 1 12 lbs broccoli (1 bunch, 2 or 3 stalks)
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted in dry skillet
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce


  • Prepare the broccoli for cooking. Boil, steam and drain. Please DO NOT over cook! Generally 6-8 minutes to steam or boil is about right for crisp broccoli.
  • Heat the sesame oil on a skillet or wok for 15 seconds over high heat. Add the sesame seeds and the broccoli.
  • Stir fry until heated through.
  • Remove from the pan to a serving dish, pour soy sauce over!

Questions & Replies

  1. I have done this by broiling my broccoli (roasting at 425) with sesame oil and sesame seeds and garlic! Adding soy at the end is great!


  1. Yes, this is exactly the way I prepare my broccoli too! Except I don't steam it beforehand. In fact I find that the soy sauce isn't even necessary, because I generally stir fry the broccoli for pretty long until it absorbs all of the flavor of the sesame oil. Also, adding mushrooms makes the dish even more marvelous! For mushrooms (without steaming/cooking beforehand) , stir fry the broccoli for about 5 minutes before adding the mushrooms, then stir fry for another 5 minutes and voila, it's done! Some garlic and/or ginger would be awesome too - totally enhances the flavor!
  2. Great! Made this morning to pack into today's lunch box. It worked out perfectly and tasted great come noon. Made as written and will make again. Thanks so much for the post.
  3. Not alot of flavor..sorry
  4. I agree...simple and quick to make. Minimal ingredients. Flavor wasn't bad, but it doesn't come near to displacing my favorite broccoli recipe from Alton Brown.
  5. more of 3.5. good flavor. simple and quick to make.



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